8 Rookie Facebook Mistakes Nobody Should Makes

Just because you have a Facebook, doesn’t mean that you are using it right. Just because I have a t89 calculator, does that mean that I am using it right and know what I am doing, absolutely not. Facebook has evolved very much over the last 10 year. That is why maybe sometimes we cant keep up. 10 years seems like a long time but does that mean we know how to use it perfectly? most of your answers are yes and do not really know. ha ha. Here are 8 things that we do mistakenly on facebook, 

1. A unoriginal Tone. People can tell whenever you are being sarcastic or rude or yelling in your status updates or whatever else you post. You have to watch out on how you are saying things as you post them.

2. Way to much content. Be careful on how much content you use. You don”t want to bore your audience but you also want to get your point across.

3. A 2 way street. Your post should not just be a statement. It should interact with other people and make them think and make them want to dialogue and talk back and converse.

4. branding. You want to be careful that you are not biased and that you are not just branding what you have to say and everything else is wrong.

5. Poor mobile selection. You need to make sure that what it looks like on your phone is what it will look like on a computer, and vic verca. Sometimes when seeing things on your mobile device it looks fine but then we upload it and we see it on a bigger screen it looks totally different.

6. Poor Timing. Make sure that you are posting things when it is the best time for it. Maybe when it is halftime of a big nationwide game and you know everyone will be online or etc.

7. Ignoring the hatersss. When posting statuses or anything for that matter you are going to get good and bad responses. You have to learn to ignore what people say and only say what needs to be said. It is okay to be biased but you also have to give respect and and let the other person talk.

8. Dont try to hard. Dont try to outsmart people or over think what needs to be said. Things wil come as they are and let them be. Make sure it is real before you try to get people to do something. 


How to Turn Facebook Fans Into Paying Customers

paying customers

With over 1 Billion users on Facebook, shouldn’t it be easy to get customers to buy your product? Or for other Facebook friends to tell others about your products and then start to get your product or companies name out there? You have to engage and draw interest from customers to your page before they can even consider buying something or looking further. You don’t want to only create post that are just funny and pointless. You always want to make sure that you are staying on track and talking about your product or company. A few good tips that i have read on are

1.Giving options for free coupons or discounts. This will grab their attention and attract them into buying your product or looking at your company.
2. Tell a story that includes your product. By doing this you will explain to the customers how this product or company will work with their everyday life.
3. Build trust about your product or business. By not only just showing them your product by thoroughly explaining what the product is and how it was made and what exactly this product or business will do for their everyday life.
4.Customer testimonies. Customers are to believe more in the public reviews of what people say, over than what the company says. If you have good reviews and good looks about your product or company then they will give it a try.

Cloud Computing Ch 13

Many internet service companies are also offering their software and hardware infrastructures on a pay-per use basis. This is known as “cloud computing” where “cloud” refers to the internet itself. Then cloud based apps and services exist on a server that is not your own, with capabilities you wouldn’t have access to other wise.

This creates new ways for us to increase our hardware capacity. It gets everyone affordable access  to more sophisticated technology.

Cloud computing services fall into three general categories.

1. Infrastructure-as-a-Service(IaaS).

2. Platform-as-a-Service(PaaS.

3. Software-as-a-Service(SaaS).

14 ways to get more facebook shares! Mari Smith

Well first off, lets understand that, Share is to facebook as Retweet is to twitter. You just need to understand that it is all about popularity and how popular you can get your page to be. The more shares you can get the more viral your stuff will be and that means more people across the blog world will be seeing it. Dont even lie to yourself, you know you wish you were famous and that everyone knew you such as (Kevin Durant) or (Floyd Mayweather) or even (rapper Drake). Same thing goes for facebook shares, the more shares you get, the more famous you will become.

Read this entire article here!

Steps to Contain Engaging Content on your post! Mari Smith

Ever read boring post or articles that don’t catch your attention? Well these easy steps can help you know exactly what to include in your blog for it to be interesting and intriguing to others. 

1. Think about what you know 2. FInd good sources 3. Read 4. Save things 5. Hold meetings

6. give yourself deadlines 7. write 8. Get edited 9. Repeat.. 

It is very important that you do step 9. Repeat as much as you can. The more blogs you post the better you will become at them. There is also different steps that you may take to write an interesting blog. These are very detailed steps that you might be able to skip if you are already good enough. Please repost and comment back with different steps to take on how to write a good blog.



Customizing, Choosing and Installing a Theme,.

A theme can ultimately do a lot more than just distinguish what your site looks like. A theme can decide what you can and cant do on your blog page. Yes this can be a big factor to who likes your page and is interested in your blogs. But these themes ultimately determine your sites functionality. 

A them can control how many different sidebars you have, where you can put them, the placement of menus and the layout of pictures colors and fonts. 

Who wants to have a boring page that doesn’t intrigue others to look at your page and subscribe and interact with your page? Choosing a theme and applying it to your profile can be easy but also you need to make sure that you have selected the right one that will show out your page and be very helpful and good for viewers. I have always wondered what was the coolest layout people have had and look very intriguing? but also, could a more boring  plain and simple theme be more beneficial?

Cheerleader Is a Wild Animal Killer?

When it comes to hunting wild animals what do you think of? A man with a gun killing a deer? Maybe an Elk? Or maybe something smaller like a rabbit or fox? Well how about some controversial actions that people think this young girl is doing.

Kendall Jones is 19 years old and is a Texas Tech Cheerleader. She is now world wide famous for her actions. Is she famous for good deeds or bad? Jones heads over seas to Africa and hunts wild animals such as Zebra,Lion,Rhino, and Tigers. But why does she do this? 

Jones argues all over the internet and tries to make mends with all those who continually critic her conservationist heart. She believes her actions and hunting game is only to help the endangered species regrow and revive in the wilderness. However, Jones has critics and animal activist roaring all over the world about her selfish, abusive, and murderous actions she calls hunting. 

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/cheerleader-19-loves-shooting-safari-article-1.1850383#ixzz38A0TyzO7

Picture of cheerleader hunting wild animals